CHIVAS Pernod Ricard:-
Bulk Glass Lowerator Upgrade
In the Winter of 2018 Pro Handling Solutions/LITA were contracted by Chivas Pernod Ricard to design and supply conveyors and associated equipment to Upgrade one of their Bulk Glass distribution systems. Pro Handling Solutions/LITA designed the Mechanical Conveyor System in a 3D environment and manufactured the required equipment. The system was fully built and tested in Turin Italy for customer Buy Off prior to shipping to Scotland for installation and commissioning into the clients existing system.
The System consisted of Roller Conveyors, Twin Mast 8m, Chain Driven Lifter, Pallet Stacker and Associated Guarding and Safety equipment. The system provides a 3 Level system which upgrades the existing ageing system.
The System consisted of Roller Conveyors, Twin Mast 8m, Chain Driven Lifter, Pallet Stacker and Associated Guarding and Safety equipment. The system provides a 3 Level system which upgrades the existing ageing system.